Mind Spackle

A simple Bible Study habit.
February 18, 2019, 7:26 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

So over the years I have used all different kinds of Bible study tools and habits. Lately, though, I have employed a very simple method that is yielding very positive results. When you read it you may say “duh!?!?!” but until you try it, you won’t experience the benefit.

For the last year or so, I have taken one book of the Bible and slowly (very very slowly) rewritten the words in my journal. One word, one sentence at a time, word for word I simply write the Bible.

When I do this several things happen simultaneously. First- I forces me to slow down and really digest the text. So often we get in a hurry and race through our Bible reading so our guardian angel can check some box in the heavenly IRS that we did our duty. The retention/meditation factor goes way up because you are not just reading. You are reading, comprehending, and then writing. I usually don’t get more than one or two sentences into this process before thoughts, questions, insights start popping. I write those too. This process has been, in part, what has motivated me to beginning blogging again.

I’m not preaching or preparing sermons any more but when I read the Bible it comes alive and I need a place to dump my thoughts.

Working here at Samaritan’s Purse is so cool. At 8am, the entire staff (over 600 people) gather in the dining hall for devotions. Just about every morning I’m wiping away tears because of the richness of God’s Word. After devotions we head back to our perspective buildings to begin our work around 8:30. I show up at 6:30-ish just so I can make some coffee, and feast on the scriptures. (pic below)

If you ever wrestle with Bible reading, try this method. I hope it helps. The journal will some day pass on to my kids and hopefully inspire them to read the Bible as well. bible study

Hey, let’s blog again . . .
February 15, 2019, 7:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In a nutshell,

10 years ago I planted a church. About 6 months ago the grace to pastor was starting to wane. I turned the church over to my young padawan Matt and waited for God to open the next door. The week that we made the announcement to the church I applied for a job with Samaritan’s Purse as the Central African Regional Manager for Operation Christmas Child. I got the job and am now living in Boone NC and my wife & kids are still in FL until my daughter graduates high school at which time we will sell the house, buy one up here and get on with this next season in our lives. If you want more details on the journey, check out my FB posts over the 6 months.

Every morning I wake up early and head into the office about 1.5 hrs before I need to be here. I make coffee. I put on my head phones and read the Bible and write down my thoughts. Some of them are good . . . I think. They may help some people. This is a blog I started many many years ago and life and ministry squelched any time I had to keep it up so it fell away. I’ll give it another go and see where we land.

You are welcome to join me for the ride. blognIMK48m